Sociedade Portuguesa de Genética
Post-Doctoral, GEOMAR,
Kiel, Germany
Marine Natural Product Chemistry
The main research interest of Tasdemir lab is the discovery and characterization of ecologically and pharmacologically active small molecule marine natural products (MaNaPros). Current research foci span from chemical ecology to drug discovery on marine microorganisms and macroorganisms (e.g., invertebrates, seagrasses, seaweeds), marine metabolomics and metallophores, particularly siderophores.
We are seeking a skilled and motivated post-doctoral researcher who will contribute to high impact projects in these directions. The candidate must have demonstrated expertise in (computational) metabolomics and marine natural product chemistry (including marine microbial natural product chemistry).
Deadline: 8th April 2024
Positions Available, IGC, Portugal
The Genome Maintenance and Evolution lab at IGC (Oeiras, PT) is recruiting at multiple levels.
At this stage, we welcome applications for the following (funded) positions:
Postdoc: PhD holders eager to lead a scientific project in the lab (Start date: ASAP).
Lab Manager: Master/PhD holders who can provide administrative, technical and scientific support to lab members (Start date: ASAP).
Technician: Bachelor/Master holders who can provide technical assistance to lab members (Start date: ASAP).
PhD student: Master holders eager to join the IBB PhD program (Beginning 9/2024, joining labs in 3/2025).
Master student: Students enrolled in universities or ERASMUS training programs, who want to take part in one of the current lab projects for their thesis (Start date: 10/2024).
Eligibility: PhD holders must have received their degree within the past 3 years.
Prospective candidates are encouraged to apply or inquire further information at:
2 Assistant Professor, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
1) Professor Auxiliar na área disciplinar de Ciências Farmacêuticas, da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade do Algarve.
2) Professor Auxiliar na área disciplinar de Biotecnologia, área científica de Biologia Molecular e Celular da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade do Algarve.
1 Post-Doc, IRCAN Niece, France
We are recruiting a postdoc to take part of a 5-year project that has just been funded by La Ligue Contre le Cancer. The position is at GODINHO FERREIRA team at IRCAN in Nice France. The goal is to determine the relationship between gut dysfunctional during aging and global incidence of cancer.
Telomere Shortening in Cancer and Aging Lab
For more information contact Miguel Godinho: or through the lab webpage.
Deadline: 12 April 2024